PRP Injections FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About PRP Injections from East Lake Chiropractic and Medical Center 

At East Lake Chiropractic and Medical Center, we are continually trying to find ways to help our patients. One way we can do this is through a new field of medicine known as regenerative medicine. We have invested in this option to make sure that our patients in Saint Cloud, FL have access to a treatment that could aid in their recovery. One of the options that we can provide our patients in this field is called platelet-rich plasma injections, also known as PRP injections. There are a few questions that our patients often ask us about this treatment.

Commonly Asked Questions About Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections

Some of the most frequent questions we hear about PRP injections include:

How do PRP injections work?

PRP injections are taken from plasma, which is the liquid part of the blood. It uses a concentration of a person’s platelets to accelerate healing. Once the platelets are active they are put in the injured body tissue.

How do PRP injections help patients recover?

PRP injections use these growth factors to help patients regenerate native tissue at the site of the injury. For example PRP is a safe and effective way to treat scar tissue of many kinds. The needling technique breaks up the scar tissue while the platelet-rich-plasma stimulates the immune system to promote healing and regeneration of collagen and elastin in the skin.

Are there any side effects of PRP injections?

There are very few side effects of these treatments. Sometimes, patients have some mild discomfort at the site of the injection; however, this feeling should fade quickly. For this reason, PRP injections are popular.

Contact East Lake Chiropractic and Medical Center Today to Make an Appointment

At East Lake Chiropractic and Medical Center, we try to stay up to date on the latest treatment options in our field because we believe this provides the patient with the best chance to make a full recovery. That is why we offer regenerative medicine treatments in addition to rehabilitation and treatments from a chiropractor. If you are looking for Regenerative medicine or a chiropractor in Saint Cloud, FL who can help you make a safe and efficient recovery then (407) 957-9995 today to make an appointment!

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